
What will sex toys be like in the future

Sex toys help you break down cultural barriers in a safe, private setting and help us understand not only our bodies but our selves. Particularly for straight men, there are so many acts that compromise our concept of masculinity and ‘what it means to be a man.’ These cultural walls corral not only our behaviour, but our psyches and our sense of self. We end up being who we’re told or expected to be instead of who we want to be, and this is the cause of deep insecurity and a lack of clear identity. More important, however, is that is cripples empathy; for experience is the best route to understanding and understanding is the source of empathy. I believe that a lack of empathy due to the increasingly narrow range of acceptable behavior for straight men is the source of a lot of violence in this world. It is so easy to demonise ‘the other’ when you don’t understand them and fear them.

Toys can also help men learn to delay orgasm, remain hard after orgasm, and have multiple orgasms. Once you get over this mental hump and you experience this, you’re no longer worried about ejaculating too quickly, losing your erection or not getting an erection.

What will sex toys be like in the future?

Current trends are towards remote interactivity, like controlling a device via the internet or via bluetooth at close range, more realistic flesh-like textures, interactive and artificial intelligence elements including virtual reality and talking, quasi-interactive dolls and or robots. Women’s toys are already so far ahead of men’s toys that there’s a bit of catching up to do.

For instance, while men seem to want more life-like interactivity from their sex toy – full size, robotic sex dolls – I’ve never heard a woman say she wished her vibrator could talk to her.

What is your view of sex toys taking over from having sex with a real person?

This is already the case for some, I’m sure, and it will likely increase as straight men struggle to integrate into a world where simply being straight and white doesn’t automatically imbue you with power – despite present circumstances. We could see more of what’s playing out in Italy and Japan—an increasingly sexless society—or we could see the broader acceptance of toys, sexuality and the increased effectiveness in preventing and fighting STDs lead to another sexual awakening. Like everything else right now, things are at a tipping point—and I’m doing my part to ensure that more people are having more sex with themselves and others.

Do you think men who are worried about trying anal or using sex toys are struggling with internalised homophobia and seeming ‘gay’?

Of course. This is a huge fear for many straight men. What would it mean to enjoy it? What would it mean to even explore it? What would I do if I did enjoy it? As the treatment of Donald Trump showed, it is more acceptable for straight men to sexually assault women than it is for them to explore all aspects of pleasure in a consensual way. The box of behaviour for straight men is frighteningly narrow, and this negatively affects not only men, but the people and the world around them.

You write that men feel shame when it comes to masturbating. Do you think it’s useful to frame this argument in a way where women are regarded as ‘liberated’ and men as not, or is this issue more complex?

Like all behaviour, it gets increasingly complex as you get increasingly granular. Dissecting my personal relationship with masturbation and how family, culture, psychology and experience all collide to create my unique perspective and experience would be a daunting task—and equally daunting to do the same for you. But part of my puzzle is my role as a straight cis male living in America in 2017, and there is clearly a huge difference in the dialogue and culture around masturbation for men than there is for women. My main point is that the door for women is much wider and more inviting for women than it is for straight men. That doesn’t mean all women walk through that door or that is easy for them to do it, but the entry is mapped, known, and people return from the other side to talk about it and share their experience.

Sex worker turns his life into a play on laws, prostitution and men
Women have 50 years of impassioned critical thinking that support and contextualise this sexual pilgrimage in a positive way. While gay men have perhaps the most sophisticated and progressive dialogue around sexuality and identity, straight men have not embraced or benefited much from this progress. In general terms, masturbation has been successfully recast for women as part of an empowered life.

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